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Northampton School for Boys

Northampton School for Boys

Post 18 Choices

“An excellent programme of information, advice and guidance, and a pre-university course for all students prepare them very well for the next stage of their lives, whether in education or in work.”

Ofsted report November 2014   

In 2024, We have 0% NEET (Not in education, employment or Training) which means every student who has left NSB Sixth Form in the last five years has gone onto a viable and positive pathway.  77% of our Year 13s went on to university with 70% of applicants gaining a place at their first choice University. NSB has a great record of successful applications to Oxbridge with 24 students starting courses at either Oxford or Cambridge University over the last 5 academic years. 10 additional leavers from the summer of 2024 have started Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Science courses at university this academic year.  31 students have gone on to leading music conservatoires from 2020-2023. We have also seen an increase in applications to some of the best dance and drama schools in the country.

Several Year 13 students secured prestigious Apprenticeship places. Students must go through multiple rounds of interviews and workshops to gain these apprenticeships, and there are often only a few places available for hundreds of applicants from across the country. The support here is second to none, and we offer a bespoke future apprentice academy.  



Whichever path you want to take we can support you.  We offer a unique Employment Opportunities Evening where companies from Northampton and beyond come to talk to our Sixth Form about jobs that are available after A Levels/BTEC.  Professional apprenticeships are an increasingly popular way of gaining qualifications while earning a living.  The event takes place in March of each year.  Additional opportunities for work experience are available for every Sixth former.

It is so successful and the links that we have with these firms persist throughout the year and our Careers Advisor is always on hand  put you in touch with a company to discuss your future.  In the weeks running up to the Employment evening, we run employability seminars where Sixth Formers are made aware of what it takes to be successful in the world of work.

If you have set your sights on University the support programme will start in the spring of Year 12.  You will receive a handbook to guide you through the process and your enrichment lessons will be used to deliver advice and guidance as you research courses and prepare your personal statement. 

The Sixth Form Management Team have extensive knowledge of different universities and what they want to see in an applicant. You will have the benefit of the insights that the team has and this can often give you the “inside track” in your application.  

We will also involve your parents by inviting them to their own Post-18 Evening where the process is explained and they are given information about all of the different aspects of the application process.

We also offer both Oxbridge and Medicine/Dentistry/Veterinary Science application programmes. If you wish to apply to either you will be asked to put your name forward in Year 12. You will be interviewed by our Early Applicants Coordinator and will follow a “fast track” programme because Oxbridge and Medicine/Dentistry/Veterinary Science applications are required to be with UCAS by early October.  You will attend meetings throughout Year 12 and after the summer examinations to make sure that your application is progressing well.  There will be an Oxbridge Evening where you and your parents can meet admissions tutors from each university and attend seminars about life at Oxbridge, including the interview process.  At the start of Year 13 we also run a separate interview programme where, in addition to an Oxbridge admissions tutor session, each applicant will get interview practice on a one to one basis.

Northampton School for Boys, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5RT
01604 230240