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Northampton School for Boys

Northampton School for Boys



Safeguarding Overview 

Safeguarding Team

The Safeguarding Team at Northampton School for Boys works in partnership with students, families and partner agencies to ensure all young people attending our school feel safe and protected from harm.

We have a dedicated team of trained professionals who work closely with students and their families when there has been any kind of crisis, instance of neglect or harm.

We can also offer advice and support to parents and carers on a wide range of safeguarding concerns.

The team is lead by the Designated Safeguarding Lead. This is a member of the Senior Leadership Team who has responsibility for all our students' safety.

There are a number of Deputy Designated Leads within the school - they mostly consist of Year Team Leaders and other members of the senior leadership team.

There is also a Child Protection Coordinator who oversees safeguarding concerns and referrals.

We have a reporting system within the AIM portal where students, parents and carers and teachers can report any concern they have for any child at the school. Just log into your AIM account and follow the link to “Report a concern”.


Contact Us 

Key members of the team can be contacted in the following ways:

MKN Safeguarding lead


Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Matt Kneeshaw


CAR Safeguarding lead


Deputy Designated Safeguarding: Lead Mr Craig Armstrong

IFA Safeguarding lead


Child Protection Coordinator: Ms Ilona Farkas


Governor Responsible for child protection and safeguarding: Victoria Rockall


Local Authority Information 

The Northamptonshire Children’s Trust is the local authorities safeguarding centre. Based at 1 Angel Square. The NC Trust offers help and support for a range of needs. The following is some information on how to and where to contact the Northamptonshire Children’s Trust.

Northamptonshire Children’s Trust
Telephone: 0300 126 7000.

If it is an emergency and you think that a child may be in immediate danger, please contact the emergency services directly by calling 999. If you need to contact NC Trust urgently during the evening, at night or at the weekend, please phone the out-of-hours team on: 01604 626 938.

E-Safety Officer Simon Aston

Early Help Assessment Team

If you think your family could benefit from early help, you can contact your midwife, your child’s health visitor, children’s centre, school or request support with an Early Help Assessment (EHA)by getting in touch with our helpdesk:

Children’s Centre Services in Northamptonshire offer groups, activities, courses and support for families with children aged from 0 to 19 years, with the emphasis on supporting the whole family to ensure that children get the best start in life. Staff based at the Children’s Centres work closely with partners to provide a range of services including:

  • Information, advice and signposting
  • Parenting Courses 
  • Domestic Abuse Support 
  • Special Needs and Disability Support
  • Health Services such as Midwives, Health Visitors and Well Baby Clinics
  • Housing Support 
  • 1:1 targeted support for families, children and young people needing some extra help

We recognise that every family has its ups and downs. Being a parent or carer is hard work and sometimes you may need extra support. Early Help offers families support by working with you to understanding what is working well and identifying where you may need some extra help, this is called an Early Help Assessment.

For more information see EHA Information for Parents.

Your Local Children’s Centres

To find your local Children’s Centre visit Children and Families Service Finder (FIS)

The Strong Start team is a group of qualified and experienced early years professionals who work closely with health visiting and infant feeding teams across Northamptonshire to support families with babies and young children. 

Information and support

We can support families with children under 5 in the following ways:

  • Signpost or refer to health services including the smoking cessation team
  • Provide information and help to access local groups
  • Help to set up a peer group within your community
  • Help to assess eligibility for help with early education and childcare costs for two year olds and free vitamins

You can make contact with us via our administrator on 07880136070 or via email at:

More information can be found on the Strong Start Website.

Child Exploitation and Online Protection

CEOP helps any child or young person under the age of 18 who is being pressured, forced or tricked into taking part in sexual activity of any kind. You can visit the CEOP Safety Centre for information and advice and make a report directly to CEOP: Click Here


Safeguarding Newsletters

Safeguarding Newsletter November 2024
Safeguarding Newsletter October 2024
Safeguarding Newsletter September 2024
Safeguarding Newsletter

November 2022

Safeguarding Newsletter Winter General Information
Safeguarding Newsletter January 2025



Northampton School for Boys, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5RT
01604 230240