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- Results Day Process: Important Information regarding applications for Sixth Form Entry September 2024
- External Applicants with a Conditional Offer
External Applicants with a Conditional Offer
Good luck with your results on Thursday 22nd August, we hope that you get the grades you hope for.
Remember to upload your grades to your application on the AIM portal so that we can confirm that you have secured your place. We would prefer you to upload a direct copy of your results statement, however if this is not possible, you can take a photo of your results statement and upload this in the documents section at the bottom left of your application on the AIM portal, or scan, save and upload a copy. Please ensure that it shows your school, name and grade outcomes clearly.
The deadline for uploading your grades is 12:00 midday on Friday 23rd August.
If you failed to meet the requirements in one (or more) subject(s), but did meet the minimum entry requirements, you can request to change your course choices, via a portal message, for alternative courses in which you did meet the subject specific entry requirements. This will, however, mean that you no longer have a Conditional Offer, but will be considered alongside those on the waiting list. It is essential that you still select 3 subjects to be considered for (or 4 if including Further Maths) – you cannot say “either Sociology or History” for example, you need to pick which one.
We will run our random selection process from the waiting list as soon as we can after midday on Friday 23rd August, in line with our Admissions Policy, and will inform successful students through the portal. Any further places that become available after GCSE results day will be allocated as promptly as we can, so do not give up if you don’t get a place in the next round of offers. This may happen across or after the Bank Holiday weekend, so please be patient and do not message us on the portal to find out if it has been run. You will receive a message via the portal whether you are successful or not to indicate that the Waiting List has been run.
If you will be away on holiday when the results are out, I would strongly advise you make arrangements for someone else to act on your behalf to ensure that your results are uploaded, otherwise your conditional offer may not be converted to a firm place.
If you have difficulties accessing your application on the AIM portal, please email Mrs J Massey, our Admissions Officer, on Jmassey@nsbtrust.school.
Important note: Any students with a Conditional Offer, who do not upload results by 12:00 midday on Friday 23rd August, will be moved to the unsuccessful status.
Right to Appeal
If you are unsuccessful in gaining a place at the school, and you have not done so already, you have the right to appeal the non-allocation of a place. Should you decide to appeal, our Notice of Appeal can be found on the Admissions page of our website. Please send your completed Notice of Appeal to Admissions Officer, Northampton School for Boys, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5RT.
Guidance Notes can be found with the Notice of Appeal, however, if you have any queries in relation to this process after reading these, please contact Mrs Massey at the school on 01604 230240.