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Northampton School for Boys

Northampton School for Boys

Year 12 Parental Information Evening 2023

 Please find here 2 presentations from our Y12 Parental Information Evening, which took place on Thursday 8th September.

Introduction to Life in Year 12 

Residential to Bournemouth

Each year in October the school runs a Personal Development Week where the normal timetable is suspended, and each year group engages in a range of activities which complement the normal curriculum which runs throughout the rest of the year. For Year 12 there are two options: a residential educational visit to an outdoor pursuits centre in Bournemouth or assisting with Personal Development Week here at school.

Year 12 students are openly invited to attend the residential to Bournemouth (17 - 21 October 2022) and we encourage as many of them to take part as possible. It is an ideal opportunity for all students, internal and external, to socialise and make new friends. Especially, as the restrictions of Covid have meant that many of them have missed out on opportunities like this. In 2021 234 students seized this opportunity and had an incredible time. Past students have often stated that friendships and memories made during this week have been some of their greatest shared memories of the Sixth Form at NSB.

The trip to Bournemouth is a 5-day residential where they will be able to participate in raft building, large paddleboarding, bush craft, sea kayaking, team games, survival skills, coasteering, as well as a range of other activities. Many of the activities will be sea/water based. Activities continue into the evening with an opportunity to visit a large water park, go tenpin bowling and on the final evening have a Silent Disco!

For information, the cost of the trip is £450. A deposit will be required via ParentPay of £150 by 16th September 2022. This payment will not show on you ParentPay account until 9th September, so please do not try paying before.

The payment will confirm a place on the Residential, after this date students will not be accepted on the trip as there is a very short time frame to organise such a large residential. The remaining £300 needs be paid by 13th October 2022. If you are in receipt of free school meals or other financial assistance you may be eligible for help with the costs of this trip, details about this will follow. Please also see our webpages on 16-19 Bursary too which may be used to pay for the trip.

No refund will be given unfortunately if a student decides just to pull out of the residential, unless there are special circumstances and you have spoken either Mrs Bradley-Brophy or Mrs O’Neill.

Your child must ensure they complete the medical forms. If they need one, they must see their Form Tutor.

If your child does not wish to take part in the Bournemouth Residential, they will be required to assist with Personal Development Week, working alongside staff supporting for the lower school and therefore they will be expected to attend school.


Northampton School for Boys, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5RT
01604 230240