Charity Week 2021 - Grand Total

NSB has for over 30 years had a week of activities where the school comes together to raise money for charities chosen by our students - each Form takes part in a sponsored event and hosts a stall (cake sales, guess the sweets in the jar, prize pong, for example) along with lots of other fundraising activities. Last year we raised over £7,000 and had 4,000 donations of gifts - our Tins, Toys and Toiletries campaign for local charities - not bad in a year where we couldn't do stalls or many of our usual activities.
The week is always a great success showing the continued commitment, energy and imagination of NSB students and staff. As well as being very enjoyable, the week highlights to the students various charities who are championing the plight of others in our communities, wider society and indeed our World.
Charity Week Grand Total: £11,000 and counting!!!!
Mbwekeni School in South Africa
Save the Children
MS Society
Children with Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer UK
Parkinson's UK
BacZac – former student Zac Forkskitt’s legacy helping young adults with cancer. Zac unfortunately lost his brave battle in March 2016
The Lowdown – free counselling, sexual health and LGBTQ+ support service for 11-25 year olds
Cynthia Spencer Hospice – palliative care for adults with life limiting illnesses
The Lewis Foundation – gifts and support packs for cancer patients in hospital
Niamh's Next Steps – raising awareness of neuroblastoma as well as support for families affected and funds for research
The Tins, Toys & Toiletries Campaign
We are collecting donations for 4 more local charities:
The Hope Centre for the Homeless, 2 Domestics Abuse charities - Eve and NDAS - and local food banks.
We also have an internal school raffle - thanks to those companies and individuals who donated raffle prizes.
- Family Ticket to see Dick Whittington at Royal and Derngate
- Leisure Lakes, The Bike Shop £50 voucher
- £50 Experience Day voucher from
- Vouchers x 2 for Zip World, Velocity 2
- Voucher for the restaurant Pamukkale
- Chocolate/Biscuit hamper from Morrisons
- Small Christmas hamper
- Football from John Henry Sports
- Saints Player's Kit
- Rugby Top
- 1.5 L bottle of red wine.
- Gin and glass set
- Bottles of wine
- Toiletry sets
- Books
I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to making our charity week a success, whether through organising events and stalls, attending or performing at XX Factor, buying a cake, a raffle ticket or paying a £1 for mufti and another for wearing an Xmas jumper or donating goods - every little helps to provide much needed money and resources for some worthy causes. The NSB community has risen to the occasion, as always.
Lindsay Greenaway
Assistant Head, Personal Development
Sharing the experience of donating to charity shows them from a young age that they can make positive changes in the world. Young people naturally love to help others, so nurturing their innate generosity is likely to mean that they grow up with a greater appreciation of what they have, and will carry on supporting charity in years to come.
From the Charities Aid Foundation