NSB Celebrate Outstanding A Level Results 2019

Northampton School for Boys celebrate rise in top grades
Post 16 students at Northampton School for Boys are reflecting on a year of excellent achievement.
Richard Bernard, Headmaster of NSB, said:
“The 2019 A Level results are again very strong which pays testament to the work ethic and ability of this exceptional cohort of students and to the incredibly hard work of the staff. I am particularly pleased that following the platform of the outstanding results last year, we have achieved another shift upwards in the percentage of A Level entries graded A*-B. This is also the first year through for the new BTEC Sport/rugby course and I am delighted with the superb results that have been achieved by our inaugural cohort.’’
Attainment highlights included, just under 55% of all A Level entries being graded A*/A or B, twenty-seven students achieving a minimum of an A grade average over at least three full A Level subjects in Year 13, with one student achieving four straight A* A Level grades and three other students securing three straight A* grades. Thomas Lack has gained a place to read Mathematics at Cambridge and Jasmine Harris to read Medicine at Oxford. Edward Smith has aced every single public examination that he has sat at NSB, gaining 10 GCSEs at Grade A*/9 and three A* grades at A Level, which is a phenomenal achievement.
Sarah Bradley-Brophy - Director of Sixth Form, said: “Once again our extensive advice and guidance programme is paying dividends. Over 200 Year 13 students received university offers – over 50% of which to the top ‘Russell Group’ universities and music conservatoires where they have gained places on some of the UK’s most competitive courses - and all but a handful have been accepted at their university of choice. Those who just missed by a grade or two are now in ‘clearing’ and will get a place in the coming days. Our students work so hard and I am truly delighted for them.”
Mr Bernard added, “The Year 13 cohort backed up their excellent academic attainment with exceptional achievements outside of the classroom in sport, music, dance and drama. They were a group of students who had a hugely positive influence on the school, embracing the vast range of opportunities that the school had to offer as well as operating as strong role models for our younger students. I wish all of our leavers the very best of luck in their future.”
Standout Year 13 performers for A Level included:
4A*: Thomas Lack
3A*: Ashley Matthew, Aniket Singh, Edward Smith
2 A* / 2A: Edward Short
2A* / 1A: Doyle Standishday, Eleanor Wise
2A* / 1A / 1B: Nadia Agyei
1A* / 3A: Joseph Anderson, Thinh Dinh
1 A* / 2A: Breanna Goff, Jasmine Harris, Caleb Huntley-Welsenaer, Kumaran Rajaratnam, Nathan Davis, Ellena Teal, Ella Vaughn
A/A/A or equivalent: Jack Brown, Austin Evans, Lydia Garwood, Daniel Kingsbury, Megan Lauder, Cameron Reeves, Christopher Riches, Dominic Shaw, Jennifer Sierra-Pendergrast, Samuel Tutt.