A Big Thank You to all those Supporting NSB 2018

To all parents and supporters of Northampton School for Boys:
May we take this opportunity to say thank you to all those that are supporting NSB by making voluntary contributions to the School Development Fund or the 100 Club.
Your help is invaluable and goes a long way in enabling us to continue to offer the very best educational opportunities for our pupils.
In recent times we have been able to provide:
- New 17 seater minibus
- First class strength and conditioning equipment
- Laser cutters for Design Technology
- Exercise bikes
- Dance and Drama scenery development
- Photographic equipment
- Ipads
- Maths prizes
- Science equipment
- Modern Languages support
- Addition coaching and teaching support to the extra-curricular programme
- Learning Support equipment specialised pens to help with dyslexia
- Sports facility development
The fund helps all pupils in all areas of the school - it underpins our very ethos of “anything is possible" and allows so many students to benefit.
Both the school and the students are enormously grateful to all who contribute - thank you for your generosity - it really does make a difference.
Also if any other parents or friends of the school would like to help by making a voluntary contribution on a monthly basis please print off one of our forms here: Click Here. Schools don’t get more funding because they are successful so we embark on a policy of self-help to help, motivate, interest and excite our students.
If sport is more your passion you can help the extracurricular programme by joining our 100 Club, a £5 monthly lottery that supports all of our teams. We have over 500 pupils taking part in sport every week - that takes some doing!
To print of a 100 Club form please: Click Here. Please drop in to Reception or post any forms to:
Mr Mark Lee
School Development Director
Northampton School for Boys
Billing Road
Thank you once again to all who help us help your children, we are driven to offer the best life-time experiences for the students here at NSB and these initiatives help make it possible.
"With a little help from a lot of people we can achieve so much."