NSB Student filmed for Channel 4 Winter Paralympic Coverage 2018

Y10 Josh Fuller was excited to be called to be filmed by Channel 4 as part of Clare Balding's Winter Paralympic coverage this week.
The filming took place at the Hemel Hempstead snow centre, Clare Balding has been doing a round up of the winter Paralympics every day there for Channel 4.
Josh is a visually impaired skier and currently his vision is considered too good to be part of the GB team, this is due to very basic testing methods which do not allow for many factors about sight to be taken into consideration. This is currently all under review hopefully with changes to take place in time for the next Winter Olympics and as Josh is such a talented skier the GB development team are keeping an eye on him!
As there were other skiers that fell into this gap of visually impaired but not impaired enough, a ski team was set up called the Outspan Rebels to sweep them all up and keep them skiing and racing. The team is spread far and wide across the UK but try to meet up regularly. Josh secured the help of Charlotte Evans MBE who was the guide for Kelly Gallagher, they won GB’s first ever gold medal on snow in 2014 and she became Josh's coach and trainer.
Charlotte is presenting the programme with Clare and as a result Josh was given the opportunity to attend. Jonnie Peacock and Kadeena Cox (both Paralympic athletes) were there so Josh got the chance to meet them too.
Most of Josh's team race the indoor circuit against able-bodied athletes, because it’s the only races available to them, and they do very well. Josh is currently on track to win a gold medal for his age category in the Milton Keynes indoor series, which is over 5 races.