National Handwriting Day 2018

On Tuesday 23rd January 2018, people worldwide celebrated National Handwriting Day and to honour the event, schools across the UK were asked to participate in a competition to celebrate excellent practice.
Originally established by the Writing Instrument Manufacturers Association in 1977, their object was to promote the art of handwriting and get people reacquainted with their pens and pencils. The day was chosen as it was the birthday of John Hancock – the first person to sign the Declaration of Independence.
And so, Form 7E2 picked up their pens and started writing. They had the choice of two tasks:
- writing a story about a silly pencil
- writing a story that started with a secret message
To see other work from the form please: Click Here
Enthusiastic and encouraged by the potential to win a stationery hamper in the prize draw, students created some really interesting stories. Charlie Langman wrote about a broken pencil who had to go to a “pencilotrist” whilst Luke Fransham focused on a naughty pencil who drew whatever he wanted to before he was trained by a new owner.
It was a thoroughly enjoyable lesson. So, next time you’re putting pen to paper, make sure that your ideas are presented clearly and that you have fun with this ancient form of communication.