In November the Governing Body advertised one vacancy for a new Parent Governor, and we were delighted to receive 3 nomination forms. Many schools really struggle to find parents willing to take on this important role, and this was an excellent indicator to the Governors and Senior Staff of the strength of support NSB parents are willing to give to their children’s education.
Following the ballot count earlier this week, the Governors are delighted to confirm that Mrs Isla Whitcroft has been elected as Parent Governor for a four year term, with immediate effect.
In her nomination statement, Mrs Whitcroft said:
“As a parent of three boys who have benefited hugely from the great education and fulfilling school life provided by NSB, I’d welcome the opportunity to offer my skills and experience to assist the school, pupils and parents.
A former journalist, editor and now director of a Northampton-based public relations agency, I’d hope to utilise my communication and business skills, including focusing on communication between school, parents and community.
Also, as the author of a book series for young adults, I can bring perspective and ideas gained whilst visiting schools and working with students across all cultures and demographics.”
The Governors would particularly like to thank all those parents who originally contacted the Clerk to find out more about what is involved in being a school governor; the three candidates for having the willingness to volunteer their services to the school, and to parents for taking the trouble to vote for their new representative.
To contact any of the Governors, in the first instance please contact Mrs Alison Roberts, Clerk to the Governors, at the school address.