Switch Off Fortnight 2017

Switch Off Fortnight looks at how easily we can save energy and why it is important to do so. The campaign raises awareness and asks us to think about what we are doing and how we can make simple but important changes which in turn will save money and save the planet. We will be looking at how we can all make a difference in school and also how knowledge gained here can help at home – so hopefully students will be letting parents know how they can save money and save the planet too!
► Lighting makes up around 16% of a household’s electricity use. By turning off any lights when not in use, households could save around £7 a year.
► Incandescent light bulbs have been phased out across Europe and since September 2012 it hasn’t been possible to buy one in the shops. By replacing all remaining old-fashioned bulbs with CFLs (compact fluorescents) and all the halogens with LEDs, homes could save around £45 a year.
► CFLs use about 75% to 80% less electricity than equivalent traditional bulbs and can last up to ten times longer.
►17% of people in the world don’t have access to electricity!
►In the UK there is a constant challenge to ensure that there is always enough energy for everybody, as the amount that people use increases, especially over the winter.
Run a Switch Off Fortnight at home BUT aim to create good habits that last all year, every year
If everyone does their bit we can make a difference and change the world!
L. Greenaway