September Music News 2017

Forthcoming events include:
'Hooray for Hollywood' is the first concert on Tuesday 10 October at 7 p.m. – Tickets go on sale to Friends of NSB Music on Wednesday 13 September at 12 p.m. and on general release on Wednesday 20th September. Tickets are priced at Adults £5, Concessions £4, Friends £3.
This opening performance will be a film music concert giving our bigger ensembles the chance to play through some exciting music from a number of legendary composers from this genre. Added to the excitement will be the bonus of having pupils dressing up as their favourite film character. For every Chewbacca and Disney Princess there will be a James Bond or Clark Kent! We are not looking for expensive fancy dress hire but home made creations - or a mixture of both. If any parents know of anybody who specialises in film props please get in touch as we would like to decorate the Theatre.
The following bands will be entertaining you:
Symphonic Winds
Big Band I
Big Band III
Symphony Orchestra
Wind Band
Jazz Vocal
Clarinet Ensemble
Bhatt Quintet
Minor Saxology
and our new All Stars Jazz Group will perform in the interval.
Important news about The Box Office:
During school hours the Box Office will now be at the Main School Reception but still with the same opening hours of 12 - 2 p.m. Monday - Friday term time only. The Box Office at the Theatre entrance will only be open on event afternoons/evenings from an hour prior to the event start time. The telephone number for all bookings is still 01604 258666. Tickets can now be booked online (booking fees apply) at
Band information and news:
We will put as much information as possible on the website under the Music link in Extra-curricular plus we also have a twitter account - @NSBMusicDep
We have produced band information booklets that can be found currently on the website under Parents - Letters Home. Students will also be given a paper copy at their first/second rehearsals - please ask them for it!
Kind regards