June Music News 2019

Friends Committee Meeting:
The last committee meeting of the year is in C5 on Tuesday 11 June at 7.00pm. Please enter school through the external door into C5 as usual. Please can you advise us if you are planning to attend?
Concert news:
Music Matters III is on sale; all tickets are just £3 each!
Summer Fiesta! is also on sale; adults £6, concessions £5 Friends £4.
Jazz @ The Cripps Summer Hog Roast with special guests, The Canaries, is on sale with tickets at adults £10, concessions £8, Friends £7. This has a 6.00pm start for food and music. Food is included in the price of your ticket and the performances will be outside as per last year if the weather is kind to us again! Our 3 Big Bands and an Alumni Big Band will also be performing.
The Box Office is open from 12 - 2.00pm Monday - Friday, term time only. There are no booking fees for booking in person, and 50p for telephone bookings: 01604 258666. You can also purchase tickets from www.ticketsource.co.uk/cripps-hall (booking fees apply).
The May - August Theatre Events leaflet is available to view on the school website.
Raffle prizes:
The Friends committee would be really grateful for any items you can donate to the raffles at the summer concerts - all proceeds are used for Music Dept purchases/workshops. The theme is 'Cream Tea' so any suitable items would be most welcome.
National Concert Band Festival:
Photographs of Big Band and Symphonic Winds from the NCBF in April will be on sale at Music Matters III, Summer Fiesta! and the Summer Jazz concerts.
National Festival of Music for Youth:
We have had timings through for the NFMY and letters have been posted out to all the performers confirming details.
Symphony Orchestra will be playing in the Schools Concert between 11.00am - 12 noon in the Symphony Hall on Thursday 4th July and Metalworks will be playing at 10.29am in the Town Hall on Friday 5th July.
Follow us on Twitter for up to the minute news: @NSBMusicDep