July Music News 2018

We really hope you all enjoyed the Summer concerts. Photos from both nights can be found on the Music page of the school website. If orders can be with us as soon as possible we will try and get them processed before the end of term, depending on numbers.
The Friends committee wish to thank everyone for all the fantastic raffle prize donations - there was a wonderful selection of food and drink and the audience were very keen to purchase tickets for the lovely hampers that had been made up from the items.
Two fantastic days were had last Thursday and Friday when Symphony Orchestra, Metalworks and Big Band performed at the National Festival of Music for Youth in Birmingham. Feedback from the mentors was very positive but we won't know until September whether we are invited to the Schools Prom in November. Photos are available to view on the NFMY website http://www.mfy.org.uk/
A reminder that we have our very last concert of the school year this Friday 13 July - Jazz @ The Cripps Summer Hog Roast! Food will be available from 6 p.m. All 3 Big Bands will be playing, along with Perfect Fouths and Jazz Vocal. Tickets are available from the Box Office on 01604 258666 or online at www.ticketsource.co.uk/cripps-hall (booking fees apply); Adults £6, Concessions £5, Friends £4. This event will be held outside unless the weather is very inclement!
A selection of instrumentalists from our 3 Big Bands will be playing at the St Matthew's Church Fete, Kingsley, on Saturday 14 July if any of you live close by and would like to pop along and support them. They will be playing two 20 minute sets at 1pm and 2.40pm.
Music has always been a strong asset of NSB and it continues to be exceptional in every way. Excellent performances this year include: the NCBF Regional and National events (3 platinums and 1 silver); providing the music for Chicago; wonderful concerts throughout the year; the Big Band 1 & Big Band 2 plus Perfect Fifths tour to Florida; workshops with NYJO, Andrew Herbert and Chuck Owen; and talks from James Gorman, Eleanor Fox and Brian Weir.
There will be no rehearsals during week beginning Monday 16 July. All instruments should be taken home to practise with, enabling us to tidy the storerooms. Band lists for September will be up along the Music Corridor wall at the start of next term.
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter: @NSBMusicDep