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Northampton School for Boys

Northampton School for Boys

Headteacher's Bulletin

Headmaster's Bulletin weekly blog

January 2020

  • 31/01/20

    Headmaster's Bulletin 31st January 2020

    NSB students took part in a deeply moving Northampton Holocaust Memorial Event at the Northampton Guildhall on Monday 27th January. The Memorial took place in the presence of the Deputy Mayor of Northampton, the High Sheriff of Northampton, prominent members of the Jewish community, Councillors as w...
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  • 24/01/20

    Headmaster's Bulletin 24th January 2020

    We were delighted to welcome visiting artist, Ian Murphy, to the school this week to work with our Y11 and Y13 GSCE and A Level Art students. Ian spent a day working with each cohort on refining their fine art skills, which will be invaluable support for their forthcoming public examinations.
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  • 17/01/20

    Headmaster's Bulletin 17th January 2020

    I am very pleased to report that a grand total of eight NSB students have been given a formal offer of a place at Oxford or Cambridge University this year which is far in excess of the national average. The school is delighted for the students that their hard work and talent has been rewarded by a p...
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  • 10/01/20

    Headmaster's Bulletin 10th January 2020

    We were delighted to welcome in the region of 1200 visitors to our Sixth Form Open Evening last night, where we were able to show off our outstanding Post 16 provision. Our current Sixth Formers and staff did a brilliant job of demonstrating the breadth and depth of our curricular and extra-curricul...
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Northampton School for Boys, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5RT
01604 230240