Headmaster's Bulletin 27th May 2022
We were delighted to round off this term with a National Cup triumph for the Year 7 football team. On Monday, the team put in a magnificent display at the Hawthorns to defeat a strong St Bede’s team from Durham who were the defending champions. Highlights can be seen here with the Chronicle & Echo report accessible here: https://www.northamptonchron.co.uk/education/northampton-school-for-boys-u12-football-crowned-national-champions-3711265
On the sporting theme, many congratulations also to the Year 7 and Year 8 basketball teams who have made the Junior NBA Regional Finals as well as to Sebastian Crick in Year 8, who has been selected to play for the Midlands Hockey Team during the summer term. Sebastian will train with the squad during June and will represent the region against other English regional teams as well as Scotland, Wales and Ireland in a three-day tournament at the Nottingham Hockey Centre later next month.
76 of our Key Stage 3 students showed great discipline and stamina to complete their Duke of Edinburgh (D of E) Bronze Trial Expedition successfully last weekend, where they demonstrated outstanding promise for future D of E Challenges. The programme is thriving with over 150 students currently on the Bronze and Gold Programme and we are also bringing the Silver Programme on stream at NSB from September.
Last week, I mentioned that Northamptonshire Police had delivered presentations to our students in Year 7 -10 to raise awareness of and to help prevent knife crime. Further to the event, the force’s visit to NSB has been publicised more widely through a video on the Northamptonshire Police website which includes an informative interview with NSB’s Mrs Greenaway (Assistant Headteacher i/c of Personal Development)
I hope all students have an excellent holiday and we look forward to their safe return on Monday, June 6th.
Richard Bernard
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