Headmaster's Bulletin 14th May 2021
The Government made some changes to the Schools' Operational Guidance for the pandemic earlier this week. The main change links to the removal of the recommendation that students should wear face coverings in school classrooms or in communal areas. A separate email has been sent to all parents and carers today outlining the rule change on face coverings at NSB which will take effect from Monday 17th May onwards.
It has been a slightly novel experience this week to see the Sports Hall filled with students undertaking examinations after the cancellation of GCSEs and A Levels in both 2020 and 2021. Year 10 students have been sitting their end of year examinations under full exam conditions in preparation for their GCSEs and have been exemplary in their attitude and focus throughout. Congratulations also to Year 7 and 8 who have displayed a similarly impressive approach to their end of year exams which have been sat in lessons. Year 11 and Year 13 students move into their final week of Term 5 assessments from Monday.
The NSB extra-curricular programme is starting to heat up after the lockdown period and I was delighted to hear from Mr Druker that plans for a July concert (COVID restrictions permitting) are in full flow and from Mr Bevan that our Year 9 cricket team, as reigning County champions, have the first Regional Round of the National Cup to look forward to against King Edward's School, Birmingham next week with our Year 7 and Year 8 teams also having fixtures. Our rowers under the expert leadership of Mr White, are taking part in the remote National Junior Indoor Rowing Championships throughout the latter end of this week with the final heats over the weekend - hopefully, we will have some new national champions by Monday!
Richard Bernard
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