Headmaster's Bulletin 19th March 2021

It has been wonderful to see the after school extra-curricular programme burst back to life this week and there has been an exceptionally good response from the students. Year 7 athletics was a standout event on Wednesday with 80+ socially distanced Year 7 students showing outstanding levels of promise in their first track session of the year.
Since March 4th, a fantastic team of school staff and volunteers have carried out a total of 4315 covid tests in our Sports Hall and distributed 3041 home test kits to students at school. This has been a huge logistical challenge and we are very grateful to the group of testers and administrators who devoted 9 days to completing this intensive process in order for the school to reopen quickly and safely following the period of lockdown.
As we successfully transition to home-testing, students are testing on Monday/Friday mornings or Sunday/Thursday evenings and then uploading their results to both the school and the NHS. We have already had 1158 results uploaded just today. More kits will be distributed next week to ensure that students can continue to test over the Easter holidays. Please do not forget to inform the school immediately following a positive result on covid@nsb.northants.sch.uk
The only formal exams sat by students this academic year were by the Y13 BTEC rugby students who sat papers in January on the theme of commerce within sport and the leisure industry. The results came in this week and I am delighted to report that they are exceptionally good with a predominance of Distinctions and no grade lower than a highly creditable Merit. On a related note I will be speaking to Year 11 / 13 students and writing to parents / carers next week to set out the finalised detail of the GCSE / A Level assessments and grading process which will take place in Term 5.
Richard Bernard
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