Headmaster's Bulletin 5th February 2021

As we look ahead to the final week of term, we want to thank students again for their continuing efforts across the curriculum.
Despite the challenges of remote learning, students continue to impress with the work they are producing at home; Year 9 DT students this week had an interesting task in using CAD to try their hand at architecture:
It has been inspiring to hear what students have been involved with outside of their school work too! Teachers have enjoyed hearing reports of everything from competitive baking, to colossal Lego builds, to rehearsing for Zoomsicals (which I’m reliably informed is a digitally filmed musical). To support non-screen activity the school will continue to promote non-screen challenges and there are several new ones in the pipeline, including an intriguing magician House Challenge led by Mr Winfield, to be introduced next week! Please encourage students to continue sharing their extra-curriculum activities with form tutors and teachers.
From speaking with parents and students, we are acutely aware of the strain that the lockdown can cause and Mrs Greenaway has recently shared resources with students and staff to support all students with their mental and emotional well-being on the theme of ‘Express Yourself. Students can watch a whole series of inspirational videos on how to express themselves through dance, art, acting and writing before trying some challenges themselves.
One of the highlights of the NSB school year are our various annual Awards Evenings (academic performance, extra-curricular sport and extra-curricular expressive arts) where the exceptional achievements of NSB students during the previous academic year are celebrated. Due to the pandemic we have been unable to physically hold the three Awards Evenings for 2019-20 achievements, however the nominations have still been determined and students who have won an award will receive notification and accompanying certification in the post (please note that the distribution of sports awards will be later – towards the end of next term). Many congratulations to all those who have been successful.
Many congratulations also to the NSB staff who have won a national title in lockdown! We entered two teams in the National Inter-Schools virtual 5k staff relay race, where staff from schools across the UK put forward their best six 5k times to give a total competitive time. Not only did the NSB first team win the league but the second team also came in the top ten schools!
Finally, it is always enjoyable to read about the successes of former students and rising football star Carney Chukwuemeka, who left Year 11 last summer to sign a professional contract with Aston Villa, received several outstanding write ups in the national media this week, with leading articles in the Daily Mail and the Times to name but a few:
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Richard Bernard
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