Headmaster's Bulletin 19th July 2019
I‘m delighted that in my last bulletin of the academic year there is a huge amount of student success to report on.
On Tuesday evening, we enjoyed a fantastic Expressive Arts Awards evening which both showcased and rewarded our incredible student talent across the various disciplines.
Wednesday, saw a hugely competitive Sports Day which, for the first time in many years, saw each House win a year group title apiece with Manley House triumphing overall. The day was superbly well organised and much credit goes to the Y12 cohort who supported all of the events so well, with the BTEC group running a particularly impressive set of Softball competitions. Click Here
A highlight of my week was the opportunity to judge the Y9 Future Chef competition over two different lunchtimes. Mr. Murphy, Mrs. Chaplin and I had the privilege of sampling over twenty dishes over the course of the judging. The standard was phenomenal with several dishes at restaurant standard and I’m now considering a request to the Food Technology department for the event to be run on a weekly basis!
We had the pleasure today of hosting a visit from the MP for Northampton South, Andrew Lewer. The MP spent time touring the school, visiting several classes and chairing a really informative and challenging Q&A session with our Y12 Politics students.
It is, of course, the time of year that we say goodbye to staff who are leaving us. Today, we said goodbye to a Support member of Staff, Mrs. Kruger who has been a fantastic employee of the school for close on twenty years and will be sorely missed. Next week we will be saying goodbye to other valued staff as Miss. Ejiofor, Mrs. Weller, Mrs. Cave and Mr. Jones from the Support Staff and Mrs. Shakir, Miss Lees, Mr. Manning and Miss Mistry from the Teaching Staff move on to fresh challenges/careers/locations.
A reminder to all parents and carers that students finish school at 1.15pm next Wednesday and we wish all connected to the school a very happy Summer Holidays. School re-opens to students on Wednesday, September 4th.
Richard Bernard
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