Headmaster's Bulletin 4th January 2019
It has been nose straight to the grindstone for Year 11 and 13 who have returned from the holidays to their Trial examinations. This series of papers are crucial for the students in terms of experiencing public examination conditions as well as for banking revision and confidence for the summer. The two respective cohorts have a high bar to reach following last year's outstanding GCSE and A Level results, but their attitude to date indicates they are well on track to be equally successful.
We enjoyed a hugely successful Charity week at the end of last term and the final total was confirmed this week at a quite phenomenal £11,823 which will be distributed to wide ranging local and national charities at a formal handover event in school later this year.
There were some fantastic money raising efforts with the top tutor group being 8P who earned well over £800 and special mention also to Noah White 8P and Ishar Bhullar 10P who raised £300 and £510 each respectively. There were all sorts of weird and wonderful money raising activities during the week, including our famous XX Factor which was sold out for four days with singer Alesha Warsop Y13 winning a hotly contested final.
We look forward to welcoming potential Sixth Form students and their parents to our Sixth Form Open Evening on Tuesday of next week. Please click here for details of the event: Click Here
Richard Bernard
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