Headmaster's Bulletin 6th July 2018
I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to watch some fantastic performances by NSB students in the Expressive Arts yesterday. The magnificent organ pipes of the Town Hall, Birmingham provided the backdrop for a superb performance by the NSB Symphony Orchestra yesterday morning and this was followed later by an equally rousing rendition of a Bulgarian traditional piece, resplendent with dancing, by NSB Metalworks led by Rachel Coles. Both performances drew outstanding comment from the judges and Year 12 Bradley Wilson was singled out for his brilliant conducting of the orchestra in the feedback. NSB presence continues today in the Town Hall with 'Big Band' performing in the Jazz section of the programme.
Yesterday evening served up an acting feast in the Cripps Hall Theatre as NSB's young thespians richly entertained in their KS3 performance of 'Around the World in 80 Days'. The whole cast and musical accompaniment were incredibly good in support of a quite exceptional performance by lead actor Tom Vaughan as Phileas Fogg. Tickets are still available for tonight's performance, starting at 7.00pm.
Our work in tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying as well as in celebrating diversity has drawn widespread acclaim and I was delighted that we were invited to run two workshops for Primary and Secondary colleagues at the Northamptonshire 'I'm Still Me Conference' earlier this week. Led by Assistant Headteacher Lindsay Greenaway, we also delivered a session of secondary best practice to the whole conference and nine of our Year 10 to 13 students also performed our national award winning Theatre-in Education piece, I'm Still Me.'
Finally, many congratulations to Mr Grisley and all that participated in the annual football game for the charity 'Always a Chance' on Thursday. The game raised over £200 in memory of former NSB student James Kouzaris who was tragically murdered in Florida in 2011 alongside his friend James Cooper. The charity aims to create a legacy for both young men by looking to remove social causes of violence and criminality amongst young people.